How long should it take to clear a house?

1 November 2023by

House Clearance Guide

Clearing a house can be quite a task, but if you’re up for the challenge, the following tips will help ensure a smooth process.

1. Determining the Time Required for House Clearance

Planning the time for your house clearance is essential to ensure everything goes smoothly. A general rule of thumb for two individuals handling a house clearance is to allocate half a day for each room (a small garden is considered one room) that needs clearing. While this may seem like a substantial amount of time, allowing yourself enough time can significantly reduce the associated stress.

2. Deciding What to Keep and What to Dispose Of

 Once you’ve scheduled time for the house clearance, the next step is assessing each item and deciding what to keep, sell, give away, and discard. If parting with possessions is difficult for you, consider enlisting the help of a decluttered. Alternatively, you can employ a simple categorization method using colored stickers (red for ‘keep,’ orange for ‘sell/donate,’ and green for ‘discard’). Go through each room, labeling items accordingly. Strive to be discerning, reserving red stickers only for items you are sure to use. Remember that most things today can be easily replaced with new ones

3. Estimating the Volume of Items for Clearance 

Now that you’ve completed the challenging part, it’s time to assess the volume of items you have for clearance. A convenient way to estimate volume is to think of a standard domestic skip. Consider how many of these skips (typically 6-yard size) your items would fill. As you do this, walk through each room and make a rough note of how many skips each sticker category would require. You don’t need to be extremely precise; estimating the nearest half-skip is adequate. Additionally, remember that items with green stickers (destined for disposal) can often be disassembled to reduce their volume.

4. Arranging for the House Clearance

 With volume estimates for (a) items to keep, (b) items to sell or donate, and (c) items to discard, you can now plan for each category separately:

(a) Moving items: Please seek professional movers’ help. The British Association of Removers is a reliable resource for finding reputable removal firms. Alternatively, you can go ahead and rent a van and handle the move yourself, though be prepared for the physical effort required, especially for large furniture.

(b) Sale and donation: Utilize online platforms like eBay to sell unwanted household items. Bulkier items may suit local auction houses or second-hand furniture dealers better. Charity shops accept most items, excluding electrical appliances and furniture lacking a fire-safety certificate.

(c) Disposal: You have several options for disposing of items. You can personally dispose of smaller items, use a skip for a medium-sized solution, or contact clearance and disposal companies for more extensive clearances.

5. And Finally, Remember… Be Cautious with Documents

Identity theft is a growing concern, so handle confidential documents with care. Invest in a shredder to destroy bank documents, credit card receipts, or health records. Avoid discarding documents that may be needed later, especially when handling a house clearance for a deceased relative. Consult with the estate’s solicitor or executor for guidance on official paperwork.

Health and Safety

   – Adequately ventilate the area before beginning clearance, especially if there’s a lot of dust buildup.

   – Consider using a dust mask, mainly when dealing with items stored in attics or cellars.

   – Take precautions when lifting heavy items, using proper lifting techniques to prevent injury.

   – Communicate and plan with anyone assisting in lifting to avoid accidents and damage to the property.

6. Completion

If you’ve successfully handled all the tasks, you’ve earned yourself a well-deserved break. Hopefully, you still need to remove your comfortable armchair and kettle quickly! However, if even reading this guide has exhausted you, please contact a professional clearance service to complete your house clearance efficiently.

Additional Resources

If you have other clearing needs, explore our guides on garden clearance, office clearance, skip hire, and man and van rubbish clearance.

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How Much Time Does the Average Person Dedicate to House Cleaning?

The average person in the United Kingdom spends over one hour daily engaged in house cleaning activities. This encompasses tasks such as folding laundry, dusting furniture, scrubbing toilets, washing baseboards, etc. Considering there are only 24 hours in a day, with 7 to 8 of those ideally allocated to sleep, this leaves a limited time for cleaning.

How Much Cleaning Can Be Accomplished in 2 Hours?

Generally, a comprehensive house cleaning routine in a five-bedroom house typically requires two to four hours. For instance, tasks like dusting, vacuuming, and mopping all surfaces can be completed in two hours if no other interruptions occur.

How Long Should It Take to Clean a Bedroom?

The duration for cleaning a bedroom varies depending on its size and level of disarray. Whether it’s a routine cleaning or a deep cleaning also affects the time required. A standard cleaning encompassing tasks such as mopping, vacuuming, dusting, tidying up, and changing the sheets should generally take 15-20 minutes.

How Long Does It Take to Clean an Entire House Thoroughly?

Undertaking a thorough, deep house cleaning can be demanding and time-consuming. The timeframe for such an endeavor depends on your house’s size and other factors. Typically, deep cleaning of a house may take 3 to 15 hours.

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