Which Is The Best Method Of Waste Disposal?

1 November 2023by cleanoodle.com


Recycling involves directly reusing used products (e.g., second-hand clothing and functional parts salvaged from used vehicles) and material recycling, which involves recovering raw materials from waste (e.g. producing new glass from fragments, melting scrap iron, and creating recycled construction materials from construction waste). Downcycling refers to the transformation of waste into materials of lower quality compared to the original material.


Combustible waste from households and non-recyclable waste wood undergo thermal treatment in waste incineration plants or waste wood furnaces. The heat generated during this process generates electricity and heat buildings. Waste with a high calorific value and low levels of pollutant contamination can be used in industrial facilities, such as cement plants, as an alternative to fossil fuels. Waste contaminated with organic pollutants undergoes separate thermal treatment (e.g., hazardous waste incineration plants). Incinerators are equipped with flue gas treatment systems, the specifics of which depend on the nature of the waste.

Specialized waste disposal companies ensure that waste is treated in accordance with the incineration plant’s requirements. This ensures high-quality fuel and reduces the risk of accidents. These companies take measures, such as preventing undesirable reactions when mixing liquids. Waste materials used as substitute fuels in cement plants must be pre-crushed and set at a consistent calorific value.

Chemical-Physical and Biological Treatment

Both chemical-physical and biological treatments aim to remove pollutants from waste or safely prepare it for landfilling. Types of waste managed in this manner often include wastewater and contaminated excavated material. After chemical-physical treatment, pollutants can be disposed of in concentrated form in specialized facilities.


Waste residues from incineration or waste unsuitable for recycling or thermal treatment are deposited in landfills that comply with legal requirements. If waste does not meet the prerequisites for landfilling, it must undergo pre-treatment.

Collection and Logistics

The waste management sector involves various specialized actors responsible for tasks such as collecting waste at its source (industrial, commercial, and household locations) using suitable transport containers, intermediate storage, and transfer to waste disposal facilities. Waste treatment often involves a series of specialized plants. Efficient waste management relies on seamless logistics. In the case of hazardous waste, compliance with the Ordinance on Movements of Waste requires documenting the handover process.

At Cleanoodle, we are dedicated to providing top-notch services to meet all your cleaning and maintenance needs. Whether you require efficient waste removal, professional cleaning services, or expert painting, our team is here to help. To learn more about our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, visit our About Us page. For a detailed overview of all the services we offer, check out our Services page. If you have any questions or need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out through our Contact Us page.

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